The thrill of pure visual cinema, giving much deeper, long-lasting aesthetic echoes than Disneyland. Nothing much to do with the book
as great written literature, but who cares (except suffering English teachers,
who shouldn't watch screen adaptations of anything written). Not useful for
subtle people. But thrilling for introverted depressed viewers who still feel
the magic of cinema, without CGI sadism. DiCaprio can act, even though he was too pretty as a boy. Rap music slaps Fitzgerald in the face, but he may enjoy being
slapped. If you hated "Moulin Rouge," don't see this. If you loved
"Moulin Rouge," see it. There's only 2 kinds
of people in life....lovers and haters of Baz. Everyone else is inbetween, and invisible to creativity. I do NOT recommend film students try to copy (or pay "tribute" to) Buzz Lurpmanic, as you will fail and be hated by ALL audiences. However, even haters can grit their teeth and learn everything you need to know about making a film from watching Baz's joyous excesses, then use only the parts that work for your own private heart and spirit to create your own just missed-masterpieces.... Cinema needs creators who watch, love or hate Baz Luhrman! (P.S. Cannes is not the ultimate destination for serious's only dessert, and not very healthy [e.g. King Hu] )....Go do your own thing (except murder), but learn craft, storytelling, and film language (not English, not Chinese) first....and don't listen to your parents, classmates, teachers, producers, or audiences, with both your ears....only use one ear, with a muffling earplug.
of people in life....lovers and haters of Baz. Everyone else is inbetween, and invisible to creativity. I do NOT recommend film students try to copy (or pay "tribute" to) Buzz Lurpmanic, as you will fail and be hated by ALL audiences. However, even haters can grit their teeth and learn everything you need to know about making a film from watching Baz's joyous excesses, then use only the parts that work for your own private heart and spirit to create your own just missed-masterpieces.... Cinema needs creators who watch, love or hate Baz Luhrman! (P.S. Cannes is not the ultimate destination for serious's only dessert, and not very healthy [e.g. King Hu] )....Go do your own thing (except murder), but learn craft, storytelling, and film language (not English, not Chinese) first....and don't listen to your parents, classmates, teachers, producers, or audiences, with both your ears....only use one ear, with a muffling earplug.
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My blog is for vulnerable communication from my heart, mind, and spirit, meant to touch readers who are passionate about creativity, art, life, and cultures.... Nastiness and personal attack are expressions of bitterness, not meaningful communication. The internet drowns in negativity, but not this site....Thoughtful criticism, however, is not negative, but an affirmation of ideals, hopes, and caring. Positive comments are more useful if they are not meant for my ego, but to share compassion and love....Thanks for reading, feeling, and sharing.