Wednesday, June 26, 2013


What I "LIKE" on Facebook....Shadows, obscurity, abstract photos and paintings, absurdities of life, close-ups of miraculous flowers and landscapes, friends getting together to eat of perform to the camera, students who still have hope and made-it through to graduation, photo art of political and social reality, young animals and kids, non-clichéd paintings and drawings, visionary architecture, simple hard true realizations for the heart and spirit, friendship and love, revolution without murder, dark and dry humor, brilliant unique performers, good and bad singers and musicians who touch my soul, tiny details of life that are beautiful but no one notices,
geometric perfection in nature and human creations, art in chaos and simplicity, young people trying to achieve something worthwhile and failing or succeeding, old people who have fully lived life, honest poetry, calligraphy, creative passion, ugly beauty, images I never saw or imagined, magical color and shape, texture in 2-D, emptiness, delicious food, powerful cinema language, animation art, creative practicality, creative uselessness, playfulness, offering a stranger's understanding and support to suffering posters, journalistic investigation revealing truth, natural cuteness that cannot be cynically manufactured, idealism without stupidity or hatred, openness and acceptance without fearful prejudice, following the philosophy of the original great spiritual leaders instead of their manipulative or evil disciples, all peoples struggling for personal and political  freedom, brilliant minds who are not selling anything, all the Arts, great and not great professional and non-professional real artists, inventiveness and spontaneity, most things outside the box, flawed individuals who really care, brave non-heroes, animal enemies who peacefully live together and become friends, tenderness.

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My blog is for vulnerable communication from my heart, mind, and spirit, meant to touch readers who are passionate about creativity, art, life, and cultures.... Nastiness and personal attack are expressions of bitterness, not meaningful communication. The internet drowns in negativity, but not this site....Thoughtful criticism, however, is not negative, but an affirmation of ideals, hopes, and caring. Positive comments are more useful if they are not meant for my ego, but to share compassion and love....Thanks for reading, feeling, and sharing.