Statistics lie.
Statistics are used to support anyone's viewpoint.
Statistics are great gossip.
Statistics are not true.
Here are the latest "official" U.S. Government Statistics.....
More than 41% of births were to unwed mothers, compared with 33% ten years ago.
Student loan debt in households headed by a college graduate soared to $36,809 from $12,373 three decades earlier.
Since 1982, the number of federal civilian employees rose by 160,000, while the number of state and local government workers swelled by 6.6 million.
Traffic congestion wasted more time for drivers in Los Angeles than any other city.
Americans are eating more peanuts and drinking less coffee.
The number of federal prison inmates hit a record 210,000.
Utah recorded the highest share of residents with Internet access at home (82%) and Missouri the lowest (57%).
27% of households had wireless telephone service only.
Airport security agents seized 11,908 box cutters from passengers.
30% of veterans served only during peacetime.
Hispanic Americans make up a disproportionate share of carwash workers, as do Asian employees of nail salons, and Blacks in security services.
Liquor stores outnumber bookstores by three to one.
The average household spent $100 annually on reading materials, and $2,504 on other forms of entertainment.
More Americans belong to a fantasy sports league (10.6 million) than to book clubs (5.7 million).
Book club members are outnumbered by avid bird-watchers (5.8 million).
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My blog is for vulnerable communication from my heart, mind, and spirit, meant to touch readers who are passionate about creativity, art, life, and cultures.... Nastiness and personal attack are expressions of bitterness, not meaningful communication. The internet drowns in negativity, but not this site....Thoughtful criticism, however, is not negative, but an affirmation of ideals, hopes, and caring. Positive comments are more useful if they are not meant for my ego, but to share compassion and love....Thanks for reading, feeling, and sharing.