Thursday, November 8, 2012


Why is it that sentimentality and melodrama are considered artistically lower class than acerbic, dark, hopeless, and spirit-crushing drama? Who determines the truth about human existence…academics, critics, scientists, theoreticians? Does more education inevitably lead to disillusionment and negativity?
Do people who believe in gods have to be freedom-loathing terrorists, determined to force their personal idiosyncratic fantasies on everyone else? Do people who believe in goodness have to be obsessed idealists who defy realities to ignore evil, even as they are killed by it?
Horror, adventure, musicals, and comedy are considered lower forms, winning less internationally respected awards, because more people respond to them. Entertainment and pleasure are tossed off by intellectuals who disdain “non-thinking” human beings other than themselves; who are addicted to “serious” art that elicits painful identification, but that fewer people understand or want to understand. And all Art is dismissed as dangerous or, worse, irrelevant by the dominators in every age.
It’s all a planetary caste system…educational, economic, and technological dictators at the top, tribal slaves and all other living organisms at the bottom. Morose and subjugating people at the top, joyful and suffering people at the bottom.
This is the way it is, the way it always has been, and the way it will be in our non-civilized world, as we individually and as a species vanish, taking our lovely violent Earth with us. Psychologically destructive personalities dominate, even though they also destroy themselves. All we, as passionate, sensitive, kind-hearted, powerless people – the Other - can do, is to gaze in awe at the power of their effective insanity, while relishing the beauty of life as poignantly as possible. Celebrate.
去欣賞一些富有熱情的電影吧,像是 等導演的作品……
Go watch and enjoy some passionate films by Kurosawa, Astaire, Bergman, Sandler, Ozu, Fellini, Lee, Hu, Tarkovsky, Morris, Apatow, Chomet, Kiarostami, Lubitch, Weerasethaku, Keaton, Godard, Chan, Miyazaki, Kieslowski, Hawks, Brocka, Hou, Marx and Coen Brothers, Kwon, Wiseman, Kubrick, Altman, Wang, S. Ray, Welles, Chow, Dudock, Tran, Fassbinder, Truffaut, Leone, Im, Svankmajer, Jeunet, Yang, Herzog, Takeshi, Almodovar, Bresson…..

--Ron Norman

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My blog is for vulnerable communication from my heart, mind, and spirit, meant to touch readers who are passionate about creativity, art, life, and cultures.... Nastiness and personal attack are expressions of bitterness, not meaningful communication. The internet drowns in negativity, but not this site....Thoughtful criticism, however, is not negative, but an affirmation of ideals, hopes, and caring. Positive comments are more useful if they are not meant for my ego, but to share compassion and love....Thanks for reading, feeling, and sharing.