Saturday, November 3, 2012


Nationalize: pharmaceuticals, hospitals, armaments, oil, cable, phone.
American companies must manufacture products in America.
National health insurance.
Guaranteed minimum level of living: money, medicine, housing, school.
No one allowed to earn over $10-million/year.
No censorship of ideas, but no free speech that incites violence.
Gun ownership: only 1 handgun for protection, 1 hunting rifle; no concealed guns or knives.
Arms cannot be sold overseas to undemocratic governments.

Cars cannot be manufactured to go more than 90 MPH.
Fines raised for going through red lights, stop signs, weaving, tailgating.
Zero tolerance for drunk driving; 2nd offense-no license, alcohol addiction program.
Large SUVs outlawed; only family cars and trucks permitted.
Cable TV, computers, cell phones guaranteed.
Rental prices stabilized.
Education guaranteed for all.
No war unless attacked; U.N. forces only.
Fairness Doctrine for all TV, cable, radio.
No corporate or anonymous contributions.
Organized lobbyists not permitted.
Raise minimum wage.
Salary and bonus caps.
Tight control of all financial transactions, stocks, bonds, derivatives, etc.
Unhealthy fast food outlawed.
Strict airline supervision.
Racial, gender, sexual, age, physical abilities, religious, economic equality.
No bullying, cyber attacks, or use of internet & texts to hurt people.
Limit profits of necessities: food, medical, education, housing.
Government support of public TV/radio, arts, with no political control.
Guaranteed livable level of Social Security and Medicaid, including drugs.
Complete overhaul of prison and reformatory system, including guards.
Mental health available to all.
No sexual portrayals or language that denigrates women, gays, lesbians, or sex.
Positive sexual material available to all, all ages.
Sexual, body image, gay, women, racial, religious, cultural, elderly, advertising manipulation, media manipulation, political and propaganda manipulation, alcohol/ drugs/dieting/sexual/gambling/cult addictions, economic issues taught every year, from grade school through high school and college.
Classes about every country and culture taught in school.
Censorship in schools & libraries only allowed for material that incites violence.
Freedom of all religions that do not incite violence.
Absolute separation of religion and government.
Absolutely no talking on cell phones while driving, even on speaker phones.
Cars and trucks must get minimum 30 MPG within 3 years.
Huge fines for corporate pollution.
Maximum profit level for landlords, and yearly rent raises.
Very strong historic preservation, cultural, architectural, land use, and environmental bureaus.
Very strong citizen & neighbor controls on developers, redevelopment agencies, property seizures.
Guaranteed financing of political campaigns; all spending on elections must be equal.
Academic and recognized experts participate and speak to all government decisions & law-making.
Government meetings and voting open to all citizens and media; with TV & radio broadcast.
DNA testing for all capital crimes; national data bank established.
Media conglomerates in print, TV, radio, internet, films, music entertainment broken up.
Strengthen independent citizen and expert police review boards.
No personal attacks in campaigning, only discussion of issues; media must cover elections fully.
Greatly increase taxes on the wealthy, super-wealthy, corporations, and on estates.
Simplify tax code.
Eliminate almost almost all deductions and tax loopholes.
Lower taxes on the middle-class and small private companies.
Greatly lower taxes, or eliminate taxes on the poor.
Severe penalties for off-shore banking, secret back accounts, money-laundering.
Target drug bosses and major dealers; lessen prosecution of small dealers and users.
Greatly strengthen all our northern, southern, and sea borders.
Allow more and easier qualified, responsible immigration.
Prepare much better for physical, chemical, and web domestic & foreign terrorist & crazed attacks.
Investigate all cargo coming into America.
Huge penalties for people stealing from others through economic scams and the internet.
Greatly increase penalties and jail-time for white-collar criminals.
Greatly increase penalties for political, corporate, and religious corruption.
Greatly increase penalties for child molestation under puberty, and for spousal and gender abuse.
Establish national age levels for “under-age”, create different age levels for different crimes.
Religious leaders must be treated legally the same as the general public, including prosecution.
English is the National language; documents & public services must also be in all major languages.

(to be continued)

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My blog is for vulnerable communication from my heart, mind, and spirit, meant to touch readers who are passionate about creativity, art, life, and cultures.... Nastiness and personal attack are expressions of bitterness, not meaningful communication. The internet drowns in negativity, but not this site....Thoughtful criticism, however, is not negative, but an affirmation of ideals, hopes, and caring. Positive comments are more useful if they are not meant for my ego, but to share compassion and love....Thanks for reading, feeling, and sharing.