Monday, November 12, 2012




Final Scene

Copyright © 2012 
Reg. Pend. WGAW - All Rights Reserved Worldwide

INT. BEDROOM - night
[Note: This scene is described in great visual and audio detail, to capture and make clear the intended intensity.]
Moonlit shadows.

CU: Jackson Pollack abstract flurry of many-colored fabrics sensually cascading into the frame, up, down, crumpled on the floor.
SND: Exaggerated. Complex solos and symphonies of swishing, crinkling, metal… Cotton, synthetics, alpaca wool, silk, rubber, snaps, buckles, heavy, feather light.

Everything in the past 90+ minutes, their past 2 months, their past 2 lifetimes, has led up to this culminating moment that extends in logical time, then poetic time…confronting and pushing our expectation. Disbelief, suspension of disbelief, acceptance, full-hearted breathless immersion. The audience of voyeurs actively joins, participating in a 3-some. Relief and celebration. The utter reality of it all.
MUSIC: Cuts off abruptly, in the middle of a passage…All that can be heard is room-tone, occupied by two sets of breaths.
SND: Location sounds are heightened.           
ECU: Extended abstract montage…His HAND glides over skin, squeezing it, disappearing into its crevices, then reappearing like a drowning man gasping for air, gliding, gliding, hesitating…moving at different speeds as it navigates the bumps, the hills, the steep drops, gliding up the mountain, catching its breath, then coasting down, faster and faster, stopping at the base…through the thick vine forest, around, in, inside, out and in, deeper, deeper, exploding out, quivering, repeating, shaking, repeating… reaching his apogee, freezing, erupting, again, again…collapse, total collapse, breathing in waves, the imperceptible shimmering skin of two opposing forces in perfect harmony, hazy in golden light that radiates from within their heat, tiny drops of mist reflecting light. They glow.
Total darkness.
Total darkness.
Gray ghost images begin to emerge from the nothingness.
SND: A distant lonely wolf howl.
CUT to black.


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My blog is for vulnerable communication from my heart, mind, and spirit, meant to touch readers who are passionate about creativity, art, life, and cultures.... Nastiness and personal attack are expressions of bitterness, not meaningful communication. The internet drowns in negativity, but not this site....Thoughtful criticism, however, is not negative, but an affirmation of ideals, hopes, and caring. Positive comments are more useful if they are not meant for my ego, but to share compassion and love....Thanks for reading, feeling, and sharing.