Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Everything that every self-help book, cook book, medical book, philosophy book, political book, gossip book, make-over artist, and mange comic book says is right.

The environmentalists, educational reformers, and nutritionists, alternative medicine advocates, editorial cartoonists, columnists, educators, sportscasters, futurists, doomsday prophesiers conspiracy theorists, and art critics are all right.

I have to be afraid of H1V, swine flu, body fat, air pollution, chemicals on and in my food, water pollution, cell phones, drug interactions, anything made in China,
deathly side-effects, hair loss, cataracts, detached retinas, breast cancer, in-grown toenails, Alzheimer’s, bone loss, crunched vertebrae, bacteria, viruses, medical malpractice, body scans, tinnitus, enlarged prostrate, tooth decay, strokes, embolisms, mosquitoes, antibiotic-resistance bacteria, chewing bin lan, ADD, stress, age lines, erectile dysfunction, sagging skin, vertigo, cholesterol, blood pressure, emphysema, earthquakes, typhoons, mudslides, floods, tornadoes, fire, poison oak, diabetes, type 2 diabetes, amputation, hepatitis A-B-C-D-etc., fear itself, botulism, eczema, carpel tunnel, computers, computer games, computer social networks, police, hospital infections, depression, prejudice, gun nuts, the Religious Right, radio talk show hosts, Republicans, Democrats, radicals, fundamentalists, terrorists, Jews, Catholics, Muslims, Hindus, tribal warfare, Hollywood, nuclear proliferation, nuclear power plants, dependence on gas, reality shows, water shortages, plastic water bottles, dictatorship, leftists, socialists, big business, materialism, the younger generation, globalization, global warming, economic collapse, comets hitting Earth, starvation, alien abduction, rap music, pornography, gay marriage, gun laws, abortion, big government, anarchy, universal health care, computer games, death.

I must exercise, meditate, practice Tai-chi, eat healthy food, get 8 hours of sleep, enjoy nature, grieve, work daytime/sleep nighttime, believe in a higher being, live in a safe and healthy environment, play, write a journal, travel, save money, plan for my future, wear a 3M-95 mask, help others, create a legacy, protect endangered species, invest in lifelong learning, have kids to support me in old age, build-up their self-confidence, keep them alive, keep them out of public school, eat together as a family, pray, do good, contribute to society, tell the truth, love myself, treat others with respect, buy a gun, explore live, have courage, write letters-to-the editor, write friends, create a website and blog, add more internet friends, post to YouTube, Tweet, balance work and play, use my time effectively, organize my files and life, throw out things, realize that everything changes, live in the moment, clean the house, do the laundry, take out the garbage, take a shower, floss my teeth, take vitamins, save electricity, ride a bike, update my hardware and software, laugh more. 

OK. I understand.

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My blog is for vulnerable communication from my heart, mind, and spirit, meant to touch readers who are passionate about creativity, art, life, and cultures.... Nastiness and personal attack are expressions of bitterness, not meaningful communication. The internet drowns in negativity, but not this site....Thoughtful criticism, however, is not negative, but an affirmation of ideals, hopes, and caring. Positive comments are more useful if they are not meant for my ego, but to share compassion and love....Thanks for reading, feeling, and sharing.