Friday, November 23, 2012



There is no way to learn Art (creativity).
It is born inside us....
then (usually) killed by well-meaning parents, teachers, and society.

There IS a way to learn creative craft skills....
Find a good teacher / mentor, inside or outside school,
and become their student.

Most important, you have to experience a LOT of art deeply.
All kinds - films, documentaries, animation, television,
photography, theatre, painting, sculpture, music, dance,
criticism, poetry, novels, short stories, children's books.....
Even art that you don't like, and (good) art that bores you.
Art from ALL cultures, popular and sophisticated, throughout history.

Keep searching, and don't forget to create,
not just study and take exams!


Every film student should think deeply every year
about whether they should make films.

Filmmaking is such hard work, with relatively little money, fame, or job security.
It is for strange creative human beings who NEED it,
as much as they need food, air, blood, love.
Otherwise, many regular jobs are more rewarding, less stressful,
and sometimes happier.

Even if you decide to continue with filmmaking,
you have to decide what part you like---
directing, producing, writing
camera, sound, editing
costumes, sets, locations
acting, casting actors,
marketing, publicity, festivals.

There are so many different specialties and crafts in film
(also TV, public television, documentary, animation, public service,
children, education, museums, advertising, music videos,
technological art, multi-media, pure art, etc. etc.)

So I recommend everyone think about their present, near future, and careers.
There is no right or wrong answer, no rules,
only answers that MAY give you a more fulfilled, satisfied, meaningful life....
or may not....
We are not really in control of our lives, we can only guide our lives.


It is a VERY important point that everyone can make a (bad) film now,
but few people can make average, good, or great films.

Technique, equipment, and money does NOT = quality.

Rules are generalizations and must be (carefully) broken by all serious artists.
To break rules and make good films,
artists must really understand film "language".
Understanding film language does not require school....
It requires time, patience, sensitivity, awareness, and struggle.
You can do it IN school or OUTSIDE school.
But you have to do it in order to make good films, even average films.

The greatest gift is being able to touch someone's heart.
If you can touch an audience's heart, you will be a successful and happier artist.

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My blog is for vulnerable communication from my heart, mind, and spirit, meant to touch readers who are passionate about creativity, art, life, and cultures.... Nastiness and personal attack are expressions of bitterness, not meaningful communication. The internet drowns in negativity, but not this site....Thoughtful criticism, however, is not negative, but an affirmation of ideals, hopes, and caring. Positive comments are more useful if they are not meant for my ego, but to share compassion and love....Thanks for reading, feeling, and sharing.